In 2004, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Administration, and the New Jersey Department of Education Commissioner helped celebrated drummer Pat Gesualdo launch D.A.D.(Drums and Disabilities),in school systems and communities throughout New York and New Jersey. Shortly thereafter, The WWE the New York Football Giants joined with Pat to promote D.A.D. at Wrestle Mania and RAW. WWE Champion Booker T, Trish Stratus, NY Giants Team members, and New York City School Officials took part in the event.
As a free service of the D.A.D. Program for special needs families, and as one of the top disability experts, Pat Gesualdo advocates for special needs families, which is a free service of the D.A.D. Program. He has led high profile cases throughout the United States, where special needs children have been abused or bullied. Pat has been asked by Senators and Congressmen throughout the United States to develop special needs State Statutes to protect citizens with special needs. Pat also wrote the first law in the United States which provides additional protection for the special needs population who are bullied, discriminated against, or abused.
Under President Barak Obama, The U.S. State Department brought Pat and the D.A.D. to the Middle East region of the world to help disabled children. The United States Pentagon has also called on Pat to train and certify U.S. Military health professionals in Drum Therapy®, so they can help troops throughout the world minimize PTSD issues. He also represented the United States at the International Disability Festival in Europe. Sony Music also sponsored Pat and D.A.D. on the Warped Tour. Under President Barak Obama, The U.S. State Department brought Pat and the D.A.D. to the Middle East region of the world to help disabled Israeli and Palestinian children. The United States Pentagon has also called on Pat to train and certify U.S. Military health professionals in Drum Therapy®, so they can help troops throughout the world minimize PTSD issues. He also represented the United States at the International Disability Festival in Europe. Sony Music also sponsored Pat and D.A.D. on the Warped Tour.
Numerous celebrities, sports stars, law enforcement agencies, major corporations and child protective service agencies join with Pat and D.A.D. to help the special needs population fight disabilities on a Global basis. He also had a Drum Therapy Column in Modern Drummer magazine, and is the author of the drum instruction book/CD “The Healing Art of Drum Therapy,” (Alfred Music Publishing). It is the leading publication to help drum teachers, special education teachers, and special needs therapists teach the special needs population. Path as been nominated to Who’s Who In America, has won various awards, and performs and lectures in drum clinics and conferences throughout the world. He is an artist/clinician for Pro-Mark Drumsticks, ProLogix drumpads, Zildjian Cymbals, and Evans Drum heads.